With a dedicated space of 60m² and 12 station circuit, the Bodytone suite at Active Bradley Stoke in South Gloucestershire proved to be so successful that after three months of opening they extended opening hours to meet demand.

Commercial Success

By month one the facility had 87 members and then rocketed to 263 members by month 3.

To help Circadian Trust decide whether the solution was the right for them, our Business Development Team presented a Business Impact Study to the management.

This included a demographic analysis and an income generation forecast along with key information on what elements make a successful suite within a leisure centre.

Innerva provided support in three months prior to installation, covering all aspects of the process:

  • Sales and marketing training and support
  • Advice on operating a suite and membership management
  • Installation timeline and liasing with key people
  • Orientation for all staff involved in the member journey

The specialist suite has complimented our main fitness suite, where membership has also continued to grow as the two products attract different market segments. We have a fantastic team of staff that have created a sociable club atmosphere, resulting in a low attrition averaging 2.4% which has contributed to the rapid growth. The net effect was a return on investment in just under one year.

Ben Beasley, Director of Commercial Development, Circadian Trust